Frame Pilot:Andromeda


Biographical information

    • - STATUS: Alive
      - Details: Currently deployed within the ATLAS/PLIEONE Twin-System
      - GENDER: Female
      - PRONOUNS: ■■■/■■■
      • Details Of Entry:

        • Current stardate: 5015U
          4993: Backup Procedure: Complete, on standby.
          5001: Reanimation Procedure: Complete, ready to Dispatch
          5010: Reanimation Procedure: Complete, ready to Dispatch
          5015: Reanimation Procedure: Complete, on stand-by
      • Notes From The Shepherd:

        Subject assigned HORUS Class, MINOTAUR grade License, experiment still Ongoing.

        Subject is skittish, we can beat that out of it. Assign it head of The Lamb's Guard. If it want's to hide, let it hide in that frame.

        Internal Callsign: The Fawn, entrusted with 1st position in The Lamb's Guard, Deployable on call to handle any interference with ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■.

        Subject seems to be taking well, training has gone smooth and any suvivors guilt is keeping it in line.

        Logs Recieved, transmitting >_: What.

        It seems parlaying with the enemy still needs some work. Wipe the slate clean and start anew, we can still recover from this setback.
        If The Fawn fails again send it where The Runt has gone, all it's good for.