The Pleiades Cluster, a collection of stars at the highest peak of the TAURUS constellation, respective to CRADLE'S perspective of the night's sky. Sitting within the ATLAS LINE-
it's namesake one of UNION'S first colonization attempts of that ring. Though this cluster's history seems to date back to a significant era prior to THE FALL, some relics and records dating back millenia, prior to it's Anthropocene Period, and Age of Glass, respectively.
These records show consistencies within their mythos. Despite the presence of 6 stars visible within the cluster, most folk tales recoverable prior to THE FALL report a tale of Seven Sisters, it's conistency and compatibility when compared with other tales from rather distant cultures. respective to the surface of TERRA*
The Seven Sisters
The Seven Sisters, represented by each star within The Cluster, have, near universally, been hunted. Despite having folktales totalling within the hundreds, a consistency within those tales across most cultures on TERRA is a collection of Seven Sisters being hunted or followed, and with the help of Devine Intervention rescued to be stars within the sky. With the final sister, or star, being unaccounted for, whether escaped, in hiding or, unfortunately, killed.
Most Records sourcing these tales refer to The Greco-Roman mythology* wherein Zeus was the one to intervene and rescue the sisters to the stars. Other distant cultures cross-referenced seemed to inclued MesoAmerican cultures such as The Kiowa* and Monte Alto* as well as cited within the continent previously known as Oceana.
Current History
The current state of The Pleiades Cluster is tense, split evenly on a frontline between The Kerrikan Trade Barronies, a small sect of Aunic homeworlds and UNION. Most of the orbiting objects around these six systems have been colonized, manufactured or designated for localised resource gathering