Atlas-Pleione System


Atlas and Pleione, a binary star system. The initial prospects for the cluster in UNION'S Expansion period, though scan's reading the planets material compositions lead to some headstrong conflicts between the Core-4 manufacturers. Primarily SSC and IPS-N, both finding interest in it's strategic positioning and particular flora present on some orbiting bodies, as well as rare and precious metals. This conflict lead to catastrophic ends leaving the entire system dead. All that remains are the wrecks from the war, and a local transport-gate initially built to service the cluster.

The Seven Sisters

The naming convention of the system stems from the believed Parents of The Seven Sisters, Atlas, and The Cluster's namesake, Pleione.

Current History

As mentioned prior, a vast majority of the Atlas-Plieone system now lay desolate. Despite UNION having high prospects for it's people here, it has largely been abandoned with rare maintanance vessels dispatched to upkeep the transport-gate.

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